Here are a few tips for a black woman dating a white man

Dating In any capacity is never easy; I think we can all agree on that. If you thought the rollercoaster experience of love and lust takes a few unexpected turns when dating same-race partners, you are in for a shock. Interracial dating is certainly an eye-opener for those who have never tried it. It can be the most challenging experience you have had to deal with so far but also, at the same time, the most rewarding. The intrinsic value of sticking to your beliefs in the face of adversity when a majority is telling you are wrong is unfathomable. It is empowering, and if you can pull through the stereotyping and the hate, you and your interracial dating partner will have found something truly special.
Tip No1; Don’t think you know it all, sister
Even if you are very diverse and educated on the culture and the world, it can still take you back a step when you are at the core of it yourself. There are huge differences that you will have to overcome between yourself and your date in terms of history, political views, family beliefs, attitudes towards racism, amongst other elements, and severe discrimination and disapproval from the general public.
Tip No2; Accept not being accepted
Yes, in 2021, you will still have eyes-rolled; there will always be tall tales to accompany the funny looks and the whispers. The reality check is that those people just described aren’t even half the problem. Yes, they are ignorant and racist, possibly even prehistoric, with their prejudiced mindsets, but at least they are aware of their opinions and kind of have the fortitude to display it to a certain extent. We aren’t saying to tolerate it or not stick up for yourself and your date’s beliefs. We are saying to pick your battles and accept that these attitudes and behaviors will present themselves.
Tip No3; It isn’t their fault, all the time
The main issues you will encounter are the people who have underlying racist and discriminatory values and don’t even realize it. Now whilst this is a major insult, unlike the former, who are relatively loud and proud about their bigotry views, this bunch isn’t to blame. Society is. History is. They’ve been brought up is because these particular people won’t do a double-take; oh no, their ignorance is far deeper-rooted than that. This group, and remember it isn’t necessarily their fault, don’t even realize they are doing it because to them, it is an inbuilt natural reaction from their natural surroundings. There isn’t a choice in their ignorance; it is within them; it is taught and learned from a young age which can be extremely difficult to combat. This category of people is the ones that will presume that you aren’t dating because you don’t share the same race, right? It won’t even occur to them that you are a dating couple when you are in a cafe together. They will presume you are work colleagues or neighbors, as to some folks, thought that a black woman and a white man would be an item is absurd. In this situation, don’t bite. Don’t rise to the unparalleled ignorance of the possibility of an interracial couple are interested in each other. It is not always their fault.
All of the above is extremely relevant and will help guide you in the right direction when you begin interracial dating. It will be difficult, but if the relationship is meant to be, then it will certainly be worth it further down the line. Look back on this dating experience with fond memories of the things you have overcome together against all the odds and in spite of everything society threw in your way. Of course, it might not work out. Different colors aren’t to blame for it, but a simple fact that not everyone gets along. Some people are not compatible, they learn about it only after matching and dating, and it’s too late, but the skin color shouldn’t be a reason, ever.