The ideal world includes relationships where couples never lie about a thing. However, let’s be honest and think about how likely it is that a perfect relationship might exist? Perhaps some form of sweet deception is expected or accepted in a relationship but are white lies really ok?
Are Romantic Relationships Still Legitimate with White Lies?

Lying sounds like a pretty nasty and naughty word when dating. Bending the truth, breaking the rules, and not being honest is almost prohibited in any relationship, but is that really the case?
Romantic relationships and even dating are built around honesty, and nobody can say otherwise. Trust is built and earned over time, and honesty ensures each other can really believe what the other says. It seems as though lying is placed into two camps. The one camp where lying is known as a white lie and the camp where lying hides a terrible truth that could hurt someone. The former is often used to hide something fairly harmful such as spending that little bit extra while shopping, while the latter could be hiding the fact that you’re cheating. The difference between the two is fairly wide and broad.
Whether you’re dating or in a romantic relationship, many factors come together, but ultimately, they’re built on love and understanding. People are willing to look past menial issues because of their feelings for the partner they’re dating. A small amount of dishonesty dropped in here, and there won’t cause a problem, but they can manifest. If someone begins realizing that small lies give them more freedom or acceptance, then it’s likely to increase. The reality is whether you are attempting to care for your partner with a lie or attempting to protect yourself. It’s clear to see that the two types of lies will have different outcomes, and that will impact the success of dating or relationships.
White lies, on the whole, are harmless. Sure, they can range from not telling your partner that the zit on her chin is bigger than she realizes or saying that your bus was late while you were trying to get home from the bar when in reality, you simply spent longer there. It’s fair to assume that every romantic relationship experiences some form of dishonesty. If every white lie brought every relationship to its knees, then there would be no relationships in existence. Ever!
Is it Ever Okay to Lie in a Relationship?
Is anyone ever open and honest at any point during their lifetime? Children are dishonest quite regularly; adults tell white lies, and couples all tell white lies but does that make it right? Dating is based on complete honesty, but some things don’t need to be discussed or spoken about. Some topics of conversation can be based on the present, but many can bring up the past, which might not appeal to the individual whose past is being discussed. At this point, white lies might become a defense mechanism in order to protect themselves and their partner.
The issue with being dishonest is how it is perceived. Of course, white lies can prove to be an inclusive aspect of any relationship while dating. Even in marriage, people tell white lies, but their severity can cross the boundary between being a white lie or a damaging lie. There are serious topics and problems that arise in every relationship, and this is where people have to ensure that the truth comes through. A white lie will have the opposite reaction or outcome than it actually should, and that’s a bad thing.
The consequences of being dishonest can determine whether it’s ok to lie in a relationship. Some might consider it to be healthy because of how it can harmlessly protect the other partner while dating. However, this cannot become an ongoing, regular problem that becomes almost a natural reaction to everything you do. Want to spend more time with friends? Don’t make up a white lie. Want to purchase that gorgeous shirt? Don’t be untruthful. Simply keep things open and honest, and your relationship will flourish and strengthen.
So, a little dishonesty can be expected here while dating. It’s almost likely that both partners tell white lies but keeping the boundaries clear and managing expectations can help to avoid disappointment.